Respect in Sport - Coach

Welcome to AMBA's Respect in Sport Coach/Leader page!

If you are a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager, AMBA is pleased to provide the Respect in Sport program training free of charge.  The training is completely online and is about 2.5 hours long.  It can be completed over several sessions, as the program tracks your progress and then logs you back in where you left off.

To access the AMBA Coach Respect in Sport program, please click here.

Respect in Sport Activity Leader program for Airdrie Minor Basketball - Registration and Re-Access Information

Website for Program:


Registration Information:

  • Once at the site, the default language is English.  Click the link "Francais" to convert registration to French
  • Select "Register a New User"
  • If you have previously certified in the Respect in Sport Activity Leader program, Respect in Soccer, SpeakOut Online, or Respect in School, enter your existing certification number in the box provided and select Check.  Once your profile has been found and loaded, complete the registration and select Submit.
  • If you have not certified in one of these programs previously, complete the displayed registration fields.  All fields marked with a red X are mandatory.
  • For Username and Password, you may select any entries you wish however spaces may not be included in the entries.  Respect Group Inc. recommends using your email address for the username as this is always unique to a single individual.  Please note these fields are case sensitive, and on re-entry, must be entered exactly as during registration.
  • You will be requested to select an age group and team.  Please select the one most appropriate for the team you are connected with at the time of completing the program.  You may add additional after registration through the Profile section.
  • You will be requested to select a Role.  Please select the role most applicable to your position with AMBA
  • After completing registration, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.  With successful registration, you will be taken into the program.
  • Select the appropriate language button to access the program instructions and content.


  • Return to the website address above (same address as for registration)
  • Enter your username and password in the selection boxes indicated (username and password are case sensitive)
  • Select "Login"
  • For Username/Password assistance, click on Forgot Username? or Forgot Password? on the login page

General Information:

  • IOS devices such as IPAD's, IPods and IPhones are not currently supported for Respect Group programs.  Any PC or Mac computer with common browsers loaded with Flash will provide a positive experience
  • Should you experience any challenges while taking Respect in Sport, numerous tools are available inside the program and before you login.  Inside the program, look for the Help button.  Prior to logging in you wil also see buttons to retrieve usernames and passwords, and to look up your certificate number.
  • Respect Group Inc. programs make use of Pop-Up windows within the program. Please ensure Pop-Up blockers are turned off or, when prompted, set to allow pop-ups from the identified web address.

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